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  • Whales: An Illustrated Celebration

    By Kelsey Oseid

    A charmingly illustrated book celebrating whales, dolphins, and porpoises.


    Some of the world's most fascinating and beloved animals, cetaceans have captivated the human imagination for centuries. Whales: An Illustrated Celebration explores the most interesting and illuminating facts about these marine mammals.

    Perfect for nature and animal lovers from eight to eighty, Whales also covers the current state of wild and captive cetaceans worldwide, why we should care, and what we can do to help our beautiful marine mammal friends.

    Whales: An Illustrated Celebration
    Whales: An Illustrated Celebration
    sku# PENGUI-PRH9780399581830

    By Kelsey Oseid

    A charmingly illustrated book celebrating whales, dolphins, and porpoises.


    Some of the world's most fascinating and beloved animals, cetaceans have captivated the human imagination for centuries. Whales: An Illustrated Celebration explores the most interesting and illuminating facts about these marine mammals.

    Perfect for nature and animal lovers from eight to eighty, Whales also covers the current state of wild and captive cetaceans worldwide, why we should care, and what we can do to help our beautiful marine mammal friends.

    Eleish Van Breems Home | 99 Franklin St | Westport, CT | PH: 203-635-8383 | 14 Easy Street | Nantucket, MA | PH: 508-901-9912
