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  • Late Gustavian Style Console Table

    A chalky white painted console table in the late Gustavian style, Sweden circa 1860, having a single apron drawer. 


    Dentil molding at the top of the front and sides, horizontal reeding on the drawer front, and oval sunbursts applied to the corner blocks.  Graceful tapering legs.


    30 1/2" H x 34" W x 18" D.

    Late Gustavian Style Console Table
    Late Gustavian Style Console Table
    sku# CRO-12-04-33163039

    A chalky white painted console table in the late Gustavian style, Sweden circa 1860, having a single apron drawer. 


    Dentil molding at the top of the front and sides, horizontal reeding on the drawer front, and oval sunbursts applied to the corner blocks.  Graceful tapering legs.


    30 1/2" H x 34" W x 18" D.

    Eleish Van Breems Home | 99 Franklin St | Westport, CT | PH: 203-635-8383 | 14 Easy Street | Nantucket, MA | PH: 508-901-9912
