Deck of 50 indoor plant profiles. This set features 50 foliage plant profiles with easy to follow care information. Simple guides for light, water, humidity and soil requirements. Highlights pet-friendly plants and those to avoid.
This definitive deck for house plant care comes From Lauren Camilleri and Sophia Kaplan of Leaf Supply nursery.
Deck Of Plants
sku# HPG-9781922417435
Deck of 50 indoor plant profiles. This set features 50 foliage plant profiles with easy to follow care information. Simple guides for light, water, humidity and soil requirements. Highlights pet-friendly plants and those to avoid.
This definitive deck for house plant care comes From Lauren Camilleri and Sophia Kaplan of Leaf Supply nursery.
Eleish Van Breems Home | 99 Franklin St | Westport, CT | PH: 203-635-8383 | 14 Easy Street | Nantucket, MA | PH: 508-901-9912