By Pop Chart Lab
From Pride and Prejudice to Peter Pan, these 24 postcards feature the opening lines from beloved works of adult and children's fiction--diagrammed according to the old-school Reed-Kellogg system.
Whether out of classroom nostalgia or curiosity, bibliophiles and grammar geeks of all ages will love how these postcards illuminate the overlap between opening lines and good design.
Based on one of Pop Chart Lab's bestselling posters, this postcard set features sentences that have been painstakingly dissected and color coded on the front with a key to the parts of speech on the back and a fun illustration of the author, making this a pictorial celebration of some of the most engaging language in literary history.
By Pop Chart Lab
From Pride and Prejudice to Peter Pan, these 24 postcards feature the opening lines from beloved works of adult and children's fiction--diagrammed according to the old-school Reed-Kellogg system.
Whether out of classroom nostalgia or curiosity, bibliophiles and grammar geeks of all ages will love how these postcards illuminate the overlap between opening lines and good design.
Based on one of Pop Chart Lab's bestselling posters, this postcard set features sentences that have been painstakingly dissected and color coded on the front with a key to the parts of speech on the back and a fun illustration of the author, making this a pictorial celebration of some of the most engaging language in literary history.
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