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  • Ostrea Rock Glass Vase

    The Ostrea Vase is inspired by the infinite treasures of the sea, light reflections of rock and oyster formations. All transformed to a organic collection of small objects created to beautify, ease and calm everyday living.

    Each piece is mouth blown glass.

    The mold is carved by hand creating that unique raw surface and color.

    12" x 6"
    Ostrea Rock Glass Vase
    Ostrea Rock Glass Vase
    sku# HNS-1108
    The Ostrea Vase is inspired by the infinite treasures of the sea, light reflections of rock and oyster formations. All transformed to a organic collection of small objects created to beautify, ease and calm everyday living.

    Each piece is mouth blown glass.

    The mold is carved by hand creating that unique raw surface and color.

    12" x 6"

    Eleish Van Breems Home | 99 Franklin St | Westport, CT | PH: 203-635-8383 | 14 Easy Street | Nantucket, MA | PH: 508-901-9912
